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Diseases »  ​First Aid »

Symptoms Sprain

Symptoms Sprain

 Sprains occur to ligaments caused by too much stretching. When sprained, the ligament can have tears in it or it can be completely torn apart. Sprained ligaments swell quickly and are painful.
Most minor sprains can probably be treated at home by doing the following:

  •     Compress the area with an elastic wrap or bandage.
  •     Apply an ice pack to the injured area for about 20 minutes to help limit swelling and pain.
  •     Do not use the joint and protect it by using splints to crutches.
  •     Don't over strain the injured limb without avoiding all activity so that your body won't weaken.
  •     Raise the injured limb whenever possible to help prevent or limit swelling

The injured area can be used after about two days rest but gently. Improvement should be gradual but progressive. Over-the-counter pain relievers may be helpful to manage pain during the healing process.

If the following takes place, seek emergency medical assistance:

  •     The sprain is severe.
  •     There a lot of pain or numbness.
  •     There was a popping sound when injuring the joint, the joint can't move, or when bearing weight on the joint it is unstable. This could indicate that the ligament was completely torn.
  •     Getting an infection, indicated by a fever higher than 37.8 C and the injured area being red and hot.
  •     There is no improvement after the first three days.