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Milk & Dairy Products

Milk & Dairy Products

Milk, cheese, yoghurt, labneh, etc.


  •     2-3 servings daily
  •     Choose low fat or fat-free milk, yoghurt and other milk products
  •     If you don’t consume milk, choose lactose-free products or other calcium sources
  •     To enjoy the health benefits of dairy without having too much saturated fat and calories, use low fat or skimmed milk and dairy products

Benefits of yoghurt
If you are conscious about your health you should make yoghurt a daily habit as its health benefits are countless. yoghurt is a calcium-rich food, a source of high-quality protein and an excellent source of vitamins and minerals. The probiotics found in it, boost your immune system and help maintain the subtle balance of both "good" and "bad" bacteria necessary for a healthy digestive system. One serving is a significant source of magnesium, potassium, phosphorous, riboflavin, iodine, zinc, vitamin B12 and B6. And for people who are moderately lactose intolerant they can still enjoy yoghurt since it contains lower amounts of lactose than milk and is easier tolerated.

Calorie content
1 cup of fat free yoghurt (224g, unsweetened) contains around 130 calories.

Benifits of milk
There is no doubt that milk is important for kids’ healthy bones, as it is an excellent source of calcium and vitamin D. However, since it is also rich in proteins and many other vitamins and minerals, milk has numerous health benefits for all age groups.

One glass of milk contains a combination of essential and easy to absorb nutrients making it an inevitable food. You can certainly get those nutrients from other foods; however, you will have to consume an unrealistic amount of a wide range of foods to meet those nutrients found in a glass of milk. You will end up adding a lot of calories to your diet as well.

For those who can tolerate drinking milk, here is a list of the possible health benefits:

Bone, Muscles and Teeth Health
The appropriate ratio of calcium, phosphate, vitamin D and protein present in a cup of milk allows a distinctive interaction supporting bone and skeletal muscle growth as well as protecting them against diseases later in life. Milk has been shown also to be beneficial for the development, protection and maintenance of your teeth.

If you are under the age of 30, an adequate intake of milk helps you build up healthy bones, muscles and teeth. Yet if you are above the age of 30, milk intake will help you protect the tissues you have.

Blood Pressure and Heart Health
Researchers have found that a diet rich in potassium and low in sodium helps in lowering blood pressure, thus protecting you from cardiovascular diseases. It is probably the calcium, potassium, magnesium and proteins combinations within milk that have this protective role. However, to maximize this positive effect; one should shift to a low-fat or fat free milk and increase the intake of fruits and vegetables.

Weight Management
The consumption of fat free or low fat milk daily showed to help in weight management and minimal weight loss. Milk, a nutrient rich food, promotes satiety for a longer period of time, thus preventing you from snacking between meals.